Hello from Quarantine
Thanks for joining me in my little quarantine bubble. Covid has struck (again!) this time it hit harder with some nasty symptoms. I hope all is well with you and yours and if not may we weather these storms together. Today is just a quick message from me as I don't have much to give right now (lol).
This last week or so I had many conversations with friends and students about coming back from the holidays, getting back into a rhythm, and finding their pacing again. I came back feeling exhausted. My partner jokingly said "we are just limping across the finish line" and he was right. I think I am still in search of the balance between family, traditions, AND celebrating with rest, boundaries, and quality time. I decided to write down a reminder to myself about how I was feeling at the end of the holidays to help inform my future self about what changes might be appropriate for next year. It was nothing fancy and read something like this "hey this year you felt X after X happened so maybe look at different ways to engage with that". And "After this many days of being gone you felt X so this might be a sign to go home earlier." You might choose to take some reflection time for yourself and write out how you felt about your holiday time.
Here are some things you might ask yourself to get you started.
Did I spend time doing things that fulfilled me?
Did my holiday revolve around expectations? Were they outer or inner expectations?
Are there other ways to celebrate or spend time together that feels more manageable and authentic?
Was there anything that felt more like a have to, than a want to?
Self care and burnout are a part of life. There will be times where you have to struggle forward but when you are to a place where you can take a deep breath and look up I want you to have the tools available to sooth yourself and recover fully.
If you want more guidance with that feel free to keep reading.
If you are all good then scroll to the bottom for some studio updates and announcements. There are some new classes coming up (couples yoga as well as restorative yoga night) and some classes being canceled (thanks Covid).
Get Your Burnout Toolkit
Reconnect With Yourself
Embodiment Practices. Self-Compassion Journaling Guides. Yoga Videos. All Delivered Daily Straight To Your Inbox. This is a three day online guide where I will be sending you a yoga video, journal prompts, and embodiment practices everyday to your email. You can choose to do them live over the weekend or save them for a more convenient time to process through them. This toolkit is yours to use forever.
The toolkit will be hitting your inbox live February 25th - 27th (but again you can pace yourself however you want).
Ending with a 75 minute yoga for relaxation class the evening of the 28th (ticket price included with your toolkit purchase).
Price $15
You can get it here
Destress and Decompress
Daily yoga videos for you to follow along with and integrate into your life. These will be quick 10-15 minute videos with yoga poses and sequences for you to use everyday to relieve pain and tension. Burnout may leave you feeling sluggish, tight, and strung out. These yoga practices will help you find ease within your body. You can save and come back to these videos whenever you need.
Go Deeper
Use the daily prompts to rekindle your relationship with yourself. If you find yourself spending more time taking care of others needs before your own you might use this time to reaffirm your love and connection with yourself. Journaling will give you the opportunity to spark new understanding and connection with yourself.
Grow and Learn
Each day will invite you to participate in a new mindfulness and embodiment practice. You can take these tools and strategies into your days to be more present, at peace, and connected. When burnout strikes it is easy to loose touch with your whole self. Use these embodiment practices when you notice It is time to come back and feed you.
Pre-Sale info
This toolkit will be full of self compassion tools you can carry with you throughout the year and integrate into your daily life to find more peace physically and mentally. I am opening this offer up for pre-sale now through February 14th. If I have enough interest I will be moving forward and making the toolkit to send out the end of February as planned. If I don't get enough sign ups for this offering (5), no harm no foul and your purchase will be 100% refunded to you by the 15th. I only want to make content you feel connected with and useful.
Studio Updates
Classes will be cancelled for this week on account of me quarantining and not feeling up to teaching online my apologies to you for having to cancel. I really hate having to do it.
You can now sign up for the couples/partner yoga classes I am holding in February! There is an option to take the class online (Friday evening option) or take it in person (Saturday evening option). There are limited tickets for the in person class due to the size of the studio so snag your spot sooner than later.
Restorative yoga night! To finish out the self care/ burnout recovery weekend with this 75 minute restorative yoga night. This class will be full of restful poses, essential oils, and inspirational readings. Check it out here.
Alrighty, that is all from me for now. Thanks for stopping in and giving this a read. I really appreciate it. Have a great rest of your week. I will see you next Sunday with a deeper dive into burnout. Where does it come from, how common is it, how do you combat it, and more. :)
Until then lots of love,